The Passion Guide Project objective was to explore information in an exciting way regarding a topic we were passionate about as a user or consumers in an 8x8 booklet format. My chosen passion was sushi, and my solution was to capture a colorful and playful style that also reminded me of Japan. Fonts used: Degular, Domyouji.
Early sketches and digital exploration
Early Sketches
Early Sketches
Early Skethces
Early Skethces
Digital Exploration
Digital Exploration
Digital Exploration
Digital Exploration
Refined sketches and spreads 
Text placement Sketches
Text placement Sketches
First Digital Spreads
First Digital Spreads
First Digital Spreads
First Digital Spreads
First Digital Spreads
First Digital Spreads
Cover, two spread comps, an early map, font, and color  
Intro Comp
Intro Comp
Early Map
Early Map
Extended Intro Comp
Extended Intro Comp
Font & Color
Font & Color
Final cover mockup

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